1. You'll receive an email from Ownli letting you know you have rewards ready to claim. Open the Ownli app and click the Claim Rewards button on your Wallet screen.
2. Click the Redeem button. If you decide not to redeem your reward at this time, just hit the "Not now" link below and it will take you back to your wallet screen. You'll then be able to redeem your rewards another time.
3. Click the Click here link. If you decide not to continue, just hit the "Close" link below and it will take you back to your wallet screen. You'll then be able to redeem your rewards another time.
4. Click the Redeem button.
5. Click the View Code button to access your unique claim code.
6. Here you can view your unique claim code. Go to Redeem a Gift Card and enter this claim code and select Apply to Your Balance.
If you don't complete all the steps in one go, you can always access your gift card and complete the process by clicking on your gift card reference ID at the bottom of your Wallet screen in the app.
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